Never Look Back". - Behnam Rajabpoor
I Have No Illusion These Will Come Easy". - Behnam Rajabpoor
Consider One Thing Always, We Are Just Selected". - Behnam Rajabpoor
Honesty talks". - Behnam Rajabpoor
Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself". - Behnam Rajabpoor
You Are Not the Same as Yesterday You Were". - Behnam Rajabpoor
You Are Your Own Michelangello Always". - Behnam Rajabpoor
Who Are We to Tell Anyone What They Can or Can't Do? - Behnam Rajabpoor
History tells Us It’s Possible". - Behnam Rajabpoor
Impossible Is Just Impossible". - Behnam Rajabpoor
How Long We Should Wait? - Behnam Rajabpoor
Trust is a hard thing to win back. - Behnam Rajabpoor